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Non-profits exist to do good in the world. Whether it’s a food bank, place of worship, or a community centre, these organisations offer vital help to specific groups, certain communities, or other parties in need.

Although they are fulfilling their missions, saving the environment should also be a priority. Going green through solar installation enables non-profits to cut CO2 emissions and energy costs. The results are more finances to pursue your calling and a cleaner environment.

Get a free quote from our system designer that will provide you with a high-performance solar energy solution, customised to fit the energy needs of your building.


With a free assessment, we will inspect your property, utility bills, listen to your concerns, and create a plan within your budget for maximum savings.

You will also get assistance in securing funding if necessary.

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Places of Worship

Places like Churches, Temple and Mosques are designed to accommodate a large number of individuals. But big indoor spaces mean high power requirements for lighting, heating, and cooling-

and high electricity bills.

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Educational Institutions

Consistent supply of electricity is a basic requirement to provide hindrance free education. Moreover, both solar energy and educational institutions have one thing in common; bot are at their peaks during the day time. 

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Government Buildings

Government buildings are among the most important infrastructures in any country for the reason that all the government administration takes place within these buildings.

And an uninterrupted power supply is prerequisite for all its operations and smooth functioning.

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